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Feel free to contact us via e-mail if you have any questions concerning the self-help process. 

There are some frequently asked questions below. 

Rest assured that this process is an entirely natural one.  You are not going to dig up deeply buried parts of your soul.  These parts are a daily part of your life.  You talk to them daily within your thoughts.  Whenever you think to yourself, you are often exchanging thoughts with the parts of your soul.

At times, when you find yourself questioning God, or when negative thoughts just enter your mind, it is most often your parts thinking these thoughts and communicating them to you.  You might have thought that it is the enemy putting these sinful thoughts into your mind.  This is a possibility, but most of the time it is simply the thoughts and emotions expressed by your parts.

You may often find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster because of what the parts of your soul are experiencing.  If you think about it carefully, it makes perfect sense.  Think of the times in which you were really emotionally down.  It is probable that something happened that triggered the emotions captured in a part of your soul.  Think of times in which you felt totally inferior and it seemed to engulf you right out of the blue.  A day or two later, these emotions disappear and you feel like your old self again. 

Become a detective in your own life.  Take note of emotions and flashbacks that surface unexpectedly only to disappear again later.  Be aware of unexplained emotions that manifest, which you suppress, so that you can just continue with your life. 

When your emotions are fully healed things like this won’t happen anymore.  Your emotions will be much more stable. 

Our Father built the parts of our souls into us, in order to help us to carry our emotions until we can process them.  Many of our emotions, however, remain unprocessed because we do not understand that they need to be processed. 

Try to remain calm and simply start communicating with your parts.  You do this in your thoughts.  Tell them that they are welcome to talk to you and that you will attend to them as quickly as you can. 

Then start doing mapping, either in a book that you use expressly for this, or on your computer, if you prefer.  (Watch DVD 3 that describes this process of helping yourself).

No, most of the time you’re not really going to experience anything.  In the beginning you’re going to be afraid that you are imagining things and coming up with information yourself.

If you are unsure about what is happening, but you are also experiencing emotions, try to remain calm.  If you sit and pray while the emotions are manifesting, the “pictures” (events that happened in your past that were traumatic) are going to play out in your mind and the whole story will unfold.  Information may surface that you have no conscious memory of.  This is in essence what dissociation is.  When that trauma took place, you gave that trauma to a part of yourself to carry and distanced yourself from what happened.  It is precisely this hidden or dissociated trauma that keeps tripping you up emotionally.  As soon as you are able to go back and process that trauma, the stronghold falls and your emotions can fully heal. 

Normal dissociation, that happens spontaneously in our lives, is stored in an orderly manner and our parts wait until we are ready to process it.  We receive this information easily, can process it and healing can follow. 

There will be very little evidence that you have dissociated.  You won’t lose time during the day and you will probably be living a normal life.  You are thus unable to “switch”.  This means that you are always in control and you only experience these unpleasant emotions that surface and you often have no idea where they are coming from. 

However, people who grew up in an occultic background, even if they are unaware of consciously being personally involved in the occult themselves, can also be traumatised in the spiritual world.  They usually have parts that “switch” (that take control and do things that you are unaware of). Such a person will find items in their home, and have no idea when they bought it.  He or she will also probably remember very little about his or her childhood.  This type of dissociation is referred to as SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) because they were involved in satanic rituals and during these rituals were so severely traumatised that they dissociated. 

Unfortunately, when we refer to dissociation, mainly only SRA cases are noticed most of the time.  These people really struggle to come to spiritual maturity and often seek out the help of pastoral counsellors.  In this manner the church has become aware of dissociation.  Mostly dissociation is seen as a rare problem that very few people struggle with.

The actual state of affairs was largely unrecognized in the church and it is quite frankly, convenient to continue in ignorance.  To admit that most people have dissociated emotionally, is difficult, because it necessitates that each of us ask ourselves personally what has happened in our lives that was traumatic to us at the time.  Often, we don’t want to do this and hold onto the belief that it will disappear over time and that we will be able to forget what is behind us.

The question arises though: is this working for you?  If we are simply to ‘forget everything that is in the past’ the question goes begging: why are there still so many broken people?  Why do we keep seeing headlines like these: “My husband’s dark side” then it is all about a minister who preaches on Sunday’s but during the rest of his week those who live with him at home go through hell with him?

Dissociation is a reality and it can make our lives a nightmare.  Just know: there is a solution!  Praise our Father for this!


Elizha Ministery

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