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Read the Story:

In the midst of blaring horns and people hurrying who knows where, someone is walking and pondering life.  Wondering why so terribly few people are truly happy.  Why so few people, in spite of being born again, are truly living victorious lives?

The people you pass on the streets are crying out for help, they shout wordlessly.  Their souls are bleeding, but their voices have grown silent, because no one hears.  No one wants to hear!  And those who can actually hear, don’t know what to do in order to help. 

Depression, outbursts of rage and panic attacks have become commonplace, neatly labelled with scientific names.  As if they should have their places in life, just like insomnia does.

Spiritually bleeding souls with gaping wounds are all desperately heading somewhere – somewhere where rest and self-control can be found.  Somewhere where love and care actually exist. 

Few realize that this somewhere is a place.  A place of spiritual victory that can only be found in the meeting of a Person.  The One who died on a cross on Golgotha.  A meeting with Hím who heals wounds, not only physical wounds, but also those bleeding soul wounds.  His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth!”

And so, Elizha also walked her own road to Somewhere.  One evening on her way to Nowhere, just before the start of 1991, she collided with His Light from out of her darkness. 

Little did she know that He, the One who is everyone’s Saviour, would also walk a road with her, a road that had not been ventured on before.  That He would train her and show her the potholes in the road.  That He would open up His Word and that she would understand the face of the war that rages over the souls of humankind as well as how this war should be fought.  He taught her how to interpret His Word spiritually. 

Now, many years later, she recognises it as a miracle and knows that that meeting changed her life irrevocably.  To such an extent that it has become her greatest desire to be well-pleasing to her Creator and Saviour.  To make her life a song of praise to Him and to convey that which He had revealed to her, concerning the healing of peoples’ soul wounds, to others too.

Her prayer is that each person who reads her book and watches her DVD’s, will understand their own roads to healing and that He, who touched her, would in like manner open this teaching to them, so that their bleeding souls might come to rest just as David described in Psalm 131:2, “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (NKJV


Elizha Ministery

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